Restauration of Odense Å at the Dalum Paper Factory
LIFE/Odense Kommune are improving the faunapassage in Odens Å at the location of Dalum Paper Factory.
The waterway will be changed from a dammed up artificial waterway to a natural flowing waterway with currents and varied physical features.
There is special focus on creating favorable conditions for the Thick Shelled River Mussel. An endangered species in both Denmark and the rest of Europe.
The railway bridge with the built – in dam The existing basin is placed in the middle of the watercourse
Se more pictures here
Watch a video about the Thicked Shelled River Mussel

UC Life Denmark
This project – LIFE 15 NAT/DK/000948 UC Life Denmark – is partially funded by the LIFE-programme under the EU-Commission.
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Natura 2000 – Europe’s nature for you. This site is part of the European Natura 2000 Network. It has been designated because it hosts some of Europe’s most threatened species and habitats. All 28 countries of the EU are working together through the Natura 2000 network to safeguard Europe’s rich and diverse natural heritage for the benefit of all.

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